How To Become Your Own Hero

3 min readFeb 25, 2022

First you need a recipe. A formula to follow so you don’t get lost in the details.

Then you need to decide what story you want to tell.

Then you have to ask yourself, the big question of how…

How do I want to tell this? The answer is right in front of you.

You do it with clarity and substance and stick to the subject.

Sounds hard. Difficult even. Where to begin. How to begin. What role model to look to, and which story to start with?

It can be a serious health issue that might have taken you down. And didn’t.

You might want to share how you succeeded in turning the proverbial tables on someone who treated you badly and you came away with insights and awareness. Even understanding.

Or, something happened that changed your attitude about someone who tried to use you in ways you’d rather not think about. You succeeded in firming up your boundaries so that person couldn’t take advantage or hurt you again.

Perhaps it might even be watching your child grow into a successful and empathetic human being…or maybe even its opposite, a self-centered narcissist who cares for themselves alone.

Whatever your story, you have to be true to its meaning, what it meant to you.

Whatever meaning you put to it, there has to be a motivation — a ‘why it matters’ concept.

There has to be communication and connection between you and the reader to create engagement. A promise to your reader.

Use language they understand. Feelings and sensory images. Show that through dialogue and scenes and description.

Most of all, the question of ‘why do you want to write this particular story,’ has to be answered. Whatever it is, the reader wants a good story. They want to identify, give a nod to characters that match those they know in their lives. They want to love and hate within the confines of the story. Something they might not be able to do within their own lives.

Above all, they want to feel. The reader needs to feel the characters aches and pains, joys and happiness. And especially, the reader needs understand so they can have resolution. Changed circumstances for the characters.

Comfort. Understanding. Satisfaction. Growth.

How often have you thought of writing a book? If you’re like most people, you have. Why? Because you have a story you want to share with others. A recipe for success. A story well written. One that others will want to read.

It might be funny, sad, exhilarating and growth oriented in ways a memoir or an origin story can offer.

And yet, your mind goes blank. Nothing. You can’t put pen to paper, fingers to keyboard. Your expectations fall flat. You just don’t have it in you after all.

But, you still have that nagging feeling of wanting to write. Just below the surface.

While everyone has a story, most stop themselves from writing because they don’t know where to begin. They don’t feel they have the tools or the knowledge to do the actual writing. They immediately think of the bestselling books they’ve read.

Who can measure up?

Some stories are long and winding. Others are short and to the point.

There are a number of story types and themes like memoir, fiction, epiphany, suspense, redemption, inspiration and so on.

Whatever your story, whether a recipe for success or disaster, be sure to remember you’re the hero that will take the reader on a journey to new ideas, feelings, sensations and of course, new worlds.

To make your story memorable though, you must first be present with its meaning. Because, without meaning, there is no story.




Tina is a memoir writing coach and develops website & direct response copy, including short and long form manuscripts. She can be reached at