Judgements and Self Punishment

4 min readNov 10, 2023

Have you ever felt like this was your life too — I punish myself because things come easily to me. And, all my life I’ve been told in order to get anything of value, you have to work really hard for it.

In my mind’s eye, I’m supposed to slog and sweat over whatever it is I want to achieve and then work my butt off to succeed.

Truth is, I’m tired of doing that.

Instead, I prefer to work smart.

If someone works hard, its opposite is easy work.

The Law of Polarity comes into play here. Smart work can be dumbing it down. Which is what we’re supposed to do if we want to stay within our tribe.

Smart work also throws one into the light. To stand out means risk of removal for any number of reasons, most usually out of jealousy. Someone else’s insecurity comes into play. Especially if they are the leader or someone close.

So, stay small and stay out of sight and mind. That way you don’t stand out and risk removal.

The facts are that we live in a world of polarity; it’s a universal law. So, with great joy, there will be sorrow, an up needs a down, a right needs a left.

Good has evil by its side.

Love and hate are built of the same energy, just at opposite sides of the vibrational spectrum. Shadow comes into the light and creates the most masterful art.

We can’t ignore any of it.

What we can do though is to acknowledge what we don’t want.

If, as the sayings go, our lives are what we choose, then we also have the ability to choose when we want to change something.

It begins with emotions and passion. Feelings and wants. Desires and purpose. These emotions, however productive or negative, are necessary to see and create that particular set of changes we desire.

First we must accept they are there. Shining a light into the shadows.

The negative emotions can then dissolve or move toward the light on their own. We can’t force any of it, but we can love the parts of us we’d rather not admit to.

And, loving those parts also means we’re loving our own complete selves. However imperfect we think we are.

In fact, if we didn’t have the many parts of who we are, how would we know it was time to let something go? We automatically let go of those outdated and less needed aspects of who we are as we grow from baby to child to teen to adult. We need that full and complete sense of it all in order to take on a newer, better ‘outlook’ on life.

Attitude is everything.

I love the picture of the little girl that smiles from her place on my wall. She is a moment in my life that led me to where I am today. Why would I ever deny her? That small person who stomped and screamed to get her way, who was kind to animals but was envious of her cousin because she was two years older. We are all things and can never be otherwise. That includes the goodness and the wounded sides of our selves.

Letting go of judgement and loving yourself as you are, without conditions.

It’s okay to be me.

I allow all of the moments and feelings of the past as they move through me. That means acceptance and letting go follows automatically.

Let the judgments be there.
They matter because they can also act as a compass…

this, not that.

Without one, the other can’t exist.

How can we know good from bad if one aspect isn’t there?

We can’t.

But, we can look at a judgment and know it really isn’t personal but a path, a road, a guide to where we see ourselves next. That path is the next step and in itself is true growth.

Just appreciate it all.




Tina is a memoir writing coach and develops website & direct response copy, including short and long form manuscripts. She can be reached at www.memoirmuse.com