TinademarcoWhy Write an Epiphany story?Have you ever thought of writing a memoir? If you’re like most people, you have.Aug 25, 2022Aug 25, 2022
TinademarcoWhy Write Your Story?Not everyone needs to write a book. Not everyone wants to write a book. Not everyone feels the calling to write a book either. Most want to…Oct 14, 2022Oct 14, 2022
TinademarcoWhen is it Time to Write Your Story?Someone recently asked me when was it time to write a book. She’d been writing her blog for business and felt the next step would be to…Jun 5, 2022Jun 5, 2022
TinademarcoWhen the Past Becomes Too PresentIt’s never too late to write about your life. Why not clear out the head trash and pull in the joys of what makes life an awesome legacy…Mar 31, 2023Mar 31, 2023
TinademarcoChoosing Your Legacy StoryYears ago, the U.S. Representative House Speaker Tip O’Neil, remarked that ”All politics is local.”Apr 7, 2023Apr 7, 2023
TinademarcoAnswering the, “Who Are You,” Questions.“Tell me who you are in 4 or 5 pages,” the recruiter asked. I am: A reader. A writer. A teller of stories.Apr 14, 2023Apr 14, 2023
TinademarcoHow To Become Your Own HeroFirst you need a recipe. A formula to follow so you don’t get lost in the details.Feb 25, 2022Feb 25, 2022
TinademarcoSlang, Slurs or StereotypesAll stereotypes are slurs about one thing or another, at one time or another over the course of human history. That’s a fact, but not the…Apr 29, 2023Apr 29, 2023
TinademarcoEveryone Dies!Going in for surgery used to be fun when I was a kid. Getting my tonsils out meant I could have ice cream no matter what time of day or…May 5, 2023May 5, 2023
TinademarcoWhen Is It Time To Bring Out The Big Idea or Live With the Regrets of Not Showing Up For Yourself?I’ve been thinking lately about the things I haven’t done yet. You know, the Bucket List that’s never going to be emptied. And, nor should…May 12, 2023May 12, 2023
TinademarcoIt’s Easy to Write a BookSo, Just Do It! Start anywhere. If you can’t think of anything, then write about yesterday.Sep 8, 2022Sep 8, 2022
TinademarcoDon’t Forget CraftI recently read a new novel about post WWII and the hunt for lost art treasures. It was an interesting take on the events that happened…Aug 11, 2023Aug 11, 2023
TinademarcoBig Company Know-How for Small CompaniesI’ve been complaining lately that I’m not connecting enough with small companies. It’s as if I’m afraid to approach them because they’ll…May 16, 2023May 16, 2023
TinademarcoA.I. — Our New WorldArtificial Intelligence, commonly called A.I., is the topic everyone loves to hate. It has too many options for both the best and worst…Jun 9, 2023Jun 9, 2023
TinademarcoToo Big For Your BritchesWhen I was a kid, I wanted to be a millionaire. No, I wanted to MARRY a millionaire because that was how you did it back then.Jul 21, 2023Jul 21, 2023
TinademarcoMy Mother, Language and AISo many are on the AI bandwagon these hot summer days that I wonder…don’t they have anything else to think about?Jul 7, 2023Jul 7, 2023
TinademarcoA Love Letter to Myself“I’m thankful for all the people who had patience with a kid who knew nothing about what he was doing and made countless mistakes along the…Jun 15, 2023Jun 15, 2023
TinademarcoThinking in PartsIsn’t critical thinking all about thinking clearly and focusing on the subject at hand without disturbing intrusions?Apr 21, 2023Apr 21, 2023
TinademarcoPrincess Diana’s Revenge DressEveryone has a secret weapon. Especially when it comes to revenge. Some use the revenge dress. Others create a revenge body. You can do…Feb 4, 2022Feb 4, 2022