2 min readJun 5, 2022


When is it Time to Write Your Story?

Someone recently asked me when was it time to write a book. She’d been writing her blog for business and felt the next step would be to share her story of growth — how she became a successful business leader. She also felt the power of her struggle could help others as they began their own journey into the business of business.

And, most importantly, she was ready to step into a new phase of her career. She wanted to do some public speaking and knew that she needed to write a book to add value to her newly minted speaking career.

But, she had no idea where to start, how to begin or whether or not her own story had enough heft to move others into action.

My answer was simple: When you have a story to tell and it just won’t stay quiet. Then I went deeper into what made a story matter and why she needed to get it onto paper. The truth was even simpler — because it needs to be shared.

You need to share it.

Like the proverbial money burning a hole in your pocket, your story has a life of its own and is roaring to let loose and be known.

It has power and substance.

When that story won’t let you sleep or move into new subjects, when it takes hold of you and won’t let go, when its own life seems larger than the one you’re presently living, that’s when it calls out to be written.

When it morphs from a simple ‘rags-to-riches’ story and into a book that deals with the aspects of growth, maturity, responsibility and success in your business and personal life, that’s when it’s time to write your book.

If you’re struggling to write your story because you know you have one but don’t quite know where to begin, let’s chat. www.memoirmuse.com




Tina is a memoir writing coach and develops website & direct response copy, including short and long form manuscripts. She can be reached at www.memoirmuse.com